Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

We are here to support you throughout your certification process. There are numerous ways to connect with IWA instructors and also join study groups. For support, you may call the office at 1+ 818-358-3131 or email the IWA Support Team. Your call will be returned within 24 hours, during normal business hours. Emails will receive a faster response. As a current student, you may join the private Facebook group to receive interactive coaching support, resources, and peer student community support.


Why was IWA founded?

There are many life coaching schools to choose from. IWA was founded to take life coaching to the next level. Our coaching programs were designed to increase the life coaching toolbox to effect lasting change for coaching clients. IWA accomplishes this through an expanded model of coaching and diverse range of healing modalities. See our ABOUT page for more information.

What is the unique value of training with IWA?

IWA teaches the powerful foundational skills of being a life coach, including core competencies and fundamentals of life coaching. We then integrate powerful tools and techniques based on over 20 different healing modalities in order to help coaching clients identify and remove negative emotions, limiting beliefs, resolve core issues, and help coaching clients to achieve lasting change.

Is the IWA program accredited by any organization?

There is no legal governing body for life coaches. It is an unregulated industry. The most important thing is that no matter who you choose to study with, to make sure that you will be able to get liability insurance as a coach and that their certification will be recognized by insurance companies. Our certification is insurable. There is more information about that on our website under the resources section.

There are a few companies who have branded themselves as recognizing or accreditation boards for Life Coaches, one of the more well known ones is ICF. We are not an ICF accredited curriculum. The reason for this is because in order to be an ICF sanctioned school we would need to follow their pre-determined coach curriculum, which does not include emotional process and release techniques, does not deal with resolving core issues, or work from an integrative model.

IWA or any school associated with ICF would be required to focus only on their life coaching model and need to bypass the integrative model of Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, and Physical. IWA developed the combination of integrative life coaching and wellness coaching as a certified modality and covers much more content then just ICF content or other life coaching courses.

The beauty of IWA is that we’re able to teach not only coaching, and forwarding the action, creating plans and asking powerful questions, we’re also teaching you how to go into the roots, core issues of the ‘problems’, belief systems, fears, habits, traumas and stories. This is all the stuff that creates how we see the world, and make changes at a fundamental, core level of our self, so that when we do take action, it’s from a new place, where we do make a change in our life because we shifted a piece of our core.

That core issue training is not something that at this time the ICF has approved as being appropriate for coaches. And so when you do a program like the ACTP, you don’t get access to releasing negative emotions or getting rid limiting beliefs or even addressing some of those core pieces that make up who we are. So what we do differently at the IWA is we take that integrative approach. Not only are we doing outside in, so some of that coaching work, but we’re also doing inside out. We’re going to talk about how you see the world, perspective, helping clients get clarity and doing something with that clarity.

The other reason we’re not accredited is because if we were under the ICF or the like the BCC’s regulated curriculum, we wouldn’t be able to make changes to our curriculum as we saw fit. And the beauty of standing alone is that we get to keep up with what’s effective, the current research and what works. Our program is research driven, we use effective tools, we use things that we have utilized in our own work with Rachel, myself, our other trainers and with our own clients over the years. We’ve done studies and been able to see what tools and techniques are most effective. Because of that, we’re able to make changes and updates and move a little faster when it comes to implementing those changes into both our curriculum, our textbook and with our students and at our training.

When we have something new that we know is effective and it works, and we’ve taught it, we get to update the online course, textbook and take it to the next training to give it to you, and that’s one of the beauties of the IWA. We can move really fast to keep up with the latest developments and needs within the industry of coaching. We want to make sure that as the coach and as an IWA coach, you always have available to you the best that we can give.

What types of people train and become certified with IWA?

IWA trains both students new to life coaching, as well as, master coaches and existing coaches who want to take their practice to the next level. Our student body ranges in age, ethnicity, and socio-economic background. We are a diverse and inclusive company and this is reflected in our student body.

Our students also range in both educational background and life experience. We have graduates who came to train with us who were new college graduates, seasoned professionals shifting their practice in mental health, education or medicine as well as other types of coaches who wanted to expand their tools and abilities to help their clients in new ways by adding the Integrative Life Coach Certification to their practice.

What is life coaching?

Life coaches help people change their lives for the better. They work similar to a therapist, but deal with the present and future of your client as opposed to the client’s past. Goal attainment and coaching go hand in hand. The aim of helping clients determine and achieve personal goals. Life coaches select from among several methods to help clients set and reach goals. Coaching is not targeted at psychological illness and coaches are neither therapists nor consultants. Psychological intervention and business analysis are outside the scope of their tasking.

Life coaching has its roots in executive coaching, which itself drew on techniques developed in management consulting and leadership training. Life coaching also draws inspiration from disciplines including sociology, psychology, positive adult development, career counseling, mentoring and other types of counseling. The coach may apply mentoring, values assessment, behavior modification, behavior modeling, goal-setting and other techniques in helping their clients. Scientific research has shown it to be effective for people who are ready to take personal responsibility and want to achieve big goals and reach their full potential. Coaches focus on habit change, personal development, relationships, careers, business and more.

What is integrative life coaching?

Integrative life coaching merges traditional life coaching with many other healing modalities to order to help clients from outside and inside. They use inside-out coaching to help clients overcome core issues and  outside-in coaching to help clients develop new strategies, behavior modification, and provide support. Integrative life coaches also help clients achieve balance in all of the major areas of their lives. They coach clients towards balance in all four aspects of self—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Integrative life coaches use their vast training in life coaching fundamentals and range of healing modalities. They act as guides versus advice givers. IWA teaches coaches do not tell our clients what to do or what to change. IWA coaches are taught to help their clients become empowered with tools, resources and techniques that will allow them to overcome limiting beliefs, negative patterns and habits that are not effective in order to make lasting positive changes through effective actions.

What coaching niches can I specialize in?

Our life coaching programs are comprehensive, which means you can choose to specialize in any niche of your choosing as life coach, health coach, wellness coach, mindfulness coach, relationship coach, or career coach. You may also choose to integrate various specialties into a more integrative practice.

As an Integrative Life Coach you can choose to open a private coaching practice, work in corporate wellness, get a job working within another integrative health care professionals practice or lead life coaching groups.

Many of our coaches’ niche to maximize their impact, assistance and revenue within the market. Examples: corporate coaching, health & wellness coaching, men’s leadership coaching, foundational coaching for teens and parenting support life coaching group practices. We go into developing a niche within the course based on both income potential and purpose.

Does IWA give medical advice?

IWA does not dispense medical or legal advice, treatment, or diagnosis. The sessions, products and information here are for educational purposes and are in no way a substitution for licensed medical or legal advice. Please consult with your physician for proper care and supervision.

What year was IWA founded?

IWA was started in 2010 as a brick and mortar location in Los Angeles, CA. After a few years, IWA closed the Los Angeles school in order to  make the courses more cost effective and accessible to students internationally.

What benefit is there to becoming a certified Integrative Life Coach with IWA?

Life Coaching is currently one of the fastest growing businesses in the U.S. IWA is one of the only life coaching academies teaching integrative life coaching programs that include the Holistic Life Model and Inside-Out & Outside-In Coaching Model. As an Integrative Life Coach you can choose to open a private coaching practice, work in corporate wellness, get a job working within another integrative health care professionals practice or lead life coaching groups.

Corporate wellness is one of the fastest growing industries with projected growth through 2020. As a Professional or Master Integrative Life Coach you are able to coach within this market as well.

There are many unique benefits to training with IWA. Read more information in the ABOUT section.

How do I locate an Integrative life coach?

We don’t have a coach directory, but if you email us we can recommend some great coaches.

How do I get insurance for my coaching practice?

A few of the benefits of the IWA include being able to get liability insurance. We did feel that that was important. That, you, as an Integrative Life Coach have access to liability insurance, and we have that available to you. Go to ‘Become a Coach’ page and scroll down to Student Resources, you’ll see there that we are insured through Lockton Insurance, and there’s a link on that site for you to have access to really inexpensive liability insurance on an annual basis. It is something that we recommend and it does keep you protected, your business protected, and most importantly, keeps your client protected (we speak more on this in the business section of our course).

Is there a legal governing body for life coaches?

It is important for us to inform you that there is no legal, official governing or regulating body for coaches and it is not necessary to be a part of any of the ones that have introduced themselves within the market. The field will not be a regulated field such as therapists or physical modalities such as massage therapists who require a state license and are regulated by state governing bodies.

Can you tell me about your graduates?

As for our graduates, many of our coaches are coaching full time. The average income for our coaches’ year one varies greatly. As with any business that you own or when you work for yourself a huge part is how much time you invest into building your practice and the individuals effectiveness in reaching and signing on new clients. In our course (both online and in person) we teach an entire section on business. This goes over how to start, form and build your coaching practice. We give simple yet effective steps to take to become a successful coach.


To read some of our graduates’ testimonials visit our SUCCESS STORY page.

Do you provide business training for opening a coaching practice?

It is our goal to teach students what they need in order to create a successful business as soon as they complete our training and certification process. We have an entire business section within the program, however these are foundational elements and it is not a full business school training.

One of the business tools we provide is a 12-week group program called Transform that our head trainer created that also can be a powerful tool to launching your business as a coach.

The basic idea behind that is starting the group program using the Transform curriculum. This allows you to create a group (either in person or via a group online conference) where you will take participants through the 12-week program and then we teach you how to transition them to individual coaching clients. This is a no cost simple way to begin your practice as a coach and is one example of one of the tools taught in the business section.

Who is IWA life coaching courses for?

The course is for anyone who wants to get the training to become an Integrative Life Coach and there is also a section which teaches the business of coaching in private practice. Our coaches work in a range of fields with this certification. We see it applied to everything from independent coaching practices to HR to working inside of organizations as well as wining other established wellness practices. The certification is insurable and legally recognized nationally. You are able to practice anywhere in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and South America.

If you want to develop a successful career helping others, the IWA courses are for you no matter what your education level and background may be.

What networking opportunities and business skills does IWA provide?

We teach a section on business within the course and it includes how to start your practice as a coach. We offer a program outline to assist you in starting a group coaching program and the steps to then up level those participants into your coaching program. We also offer a referral network for our students to refer each other. IWA however does not provide any job placement.

How do I get trained and certified in ECM?

To become certified in Emotional Clearing Method (ECM), register for our IWLC In-Person or Online Course. The training and certification for ECM is included within the IWLC trainings.

Who is the Integrative Life Coach Certification for?

IWA has developed the IWLC Course for anyone interested in becoming a life coach, existing life coaches who want to expand their coaching toolbox, or any other practitioner who wants to add life coaching to the services they offer. IWLC course is also designed for other practitioners and coaches who want to take their coaching practice to the next level.

The MPILC course is designed for certified IWLC coaching who want to gain a master level knowledge base, additional advanced tools & techniques and certification.

How is the IWA coaching philosophy different?

There is no “one size fits all” solution to all of your clients’ issues. We all have a unique journey; however, there are powerful tools and techniques that IWA teaches that draw from over 20 different healing modalities to resolve issues, remove blocks, and create the life your clients want.

These tools and techniques have worked for thousands of people to improve and transform their lives. These can be customized to fit any person, in any situation, during any season of their life and you can help your clients create lasting change by using these.

In addition to the core competencies and fundamentals of life coaching you will learn coaching within the Holistic Life Model and Inside-Out & Outside-In Coaching Model.

What if I live outside the U.S.?

The benefit of our web-based program is that anyone can participate, no matter where they reside. We have coaches who trained while living in countries other than the U.S. In fact, IWA has students around the world!

Does IWA license or regulate its coaches?

IWA and its instructors do not regulate, oversee, or have a financial relationship with IWA certified coaches. IWA Integrative Life Coaching Academy is an educational program. IWA certification signifies coaches have fulfilled the basic requirements of the IWA courses.

Upon certification, you are certified forever, there is no annual renewal for your certification.

Ethics and professional responsibility education are included in IWA programs. While IWA hopes that all IWA certified coaches will conduct themselves at the highest level of professional coaching and ethical standards, IWA cannot be held responsible for the conduct of individual coaches.

How many coaches has IWA certified?

IWA was founded in 2010 and has certified thousands of students through our online and in-person life coach trainings. 

Can the IWA certification be used in any U.S. state or other countries?

Yes! We train and certify coaches throughout the US and Internationally. You may practice coaching in any state or any country that you desire. Many life coaches establish online private practices and coach from a distance to clients globally. You will need to consult your state or country specific legal bodies to ensure that you follow local legal rules.

Do I have to take the Master Integrative Life Coaching to be a fully trained life coach?

Absolutely not! The IWLC training fully prepares you to become a successful integrative life coach. The MPILC trainings are for those who want to deepen and expand personally and professionally to gain a master level knowledge base, additional advanced tools & techniques and certification.

What is the Holistic Life Model?

We have four aspects of self and each of these areas effect the others and are all interconnected. Those four areas are mental, emotional, physical & spiritual. In order to be balanced and experience well-being we need to have wellness in all four areas.

Mental System
The Mental System is your thought life, including your self-perception and thought patterns as well as our beliefs and conscious perceptions. This is also the way we view other things out in the world.

Emotional System
The Emotional System are your feelings and your emotions. It’s also your relationships with other people and also the relationship you have with yourself.

Physical System
The Physical System is your physical health, as well as the tangible physical things you have in our life.

Spiritual System
The Spiritual System is our true-self, our personal development, connection to community, world and our connection to a higher power, whatever that definition is or is not for you.

What is the Inside-Out and Outside-In Coaching Model?

The Inside-Out and Outside-In Coaching Model is an integrative model that calls for treatment both from the outside moving inward (behavior modification & effective strategies) at the same time as providing treatment for the inside moving outward (overcoming core issues, limiting beliefs & negative patterns/habits).

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