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As an Integrative Life Coach, it is my job to help my clients not only set goals but obtain them! Many times we know what we want to achieve but do not take steps to reach our goals. There can be a number of reasons for this, let’s start at the beginning. When we set a goal, it is important to know what an successful goal looks like.

I want…

I want…

I want…

This is not an example of an effective goal. 

What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?

What is a successful goal? In the coaching world this is called a SMART goal. These SMART goals help you define what steps will help you to reach your goal.

Key steps to setting S.M.A.R.T. goals:
  1. Write out your goals as SMART goals.
  2. Set an intention towards that goal. Meditate or visualize what it would be like to achieve it.
  3. Create task lists based on your SMART goals.
  4. TAKE ACTION daily!
  5. Let go of the outcome.

This may be challenging. There is a difference between wanting a desired outcome and being attached to a desired outcome. Many times things unfold differently than what you expected. So, remain open-minded on your path.

May you take action from a place of intention!