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All things in balance!

For much of my life, I was either ALL IN or ALL OUT! I swung far left then far right when it came to just about everything. This behavioral pattern was unhealthy for me and limited my success. It prevented me from achieving my goals, and it was also very frustrating!

How do we get over an all-or-nothing mentality?

Here is a simple paradigm shift that changed my life.

When all things in your life are done in a balanced way or in a way that brings harmony, the results bring positive development, success with goals, and permanent change.

Instead of choosing to approach your goals with an expectation of ‘I must do absolutely ALL of this now,’ or ‘I must do this perfectly,’ or ‘It’s pointless,” instead choose to approach it with balance, one step at a time. Celebrate progress versus demanding perfection.

I promise you will see happier and better results with this mindset!